ID Clinic Turkey

Dt. Özkan Sarkın

Dt. Özkan Sarkın


Each smile you share is a whisper of kindness, a moment of connection, and a sparkle of joy in the tapestry of life.

I was born on September 9, 1980 in Antalya. I started Süleyman Demirel University Facultyof Dentistry in 2000. I took part in many projects during my university education. Aftercompleting my university education, I opened my own clinic. In order to become morecompetent in my profession, I participated in many trainings throughout my education life and after graduation. Currently, I am able to perform effective and qualified treatments in allareas of my profession. If I give an example of the training programs I participated in;

  • Surgical and Prosthetic Approaches in Implantology
  • Augmentation techniques
  • Soft Tissue Gain Protocol
  • Implant Applications in the Aesthetic Zone
  • Apical Surgical Procedures
  • Autotransplantation Techniques
  • Digital Workflow in Prosthetic Treatments
  • Advanced Implant Surgery
  • Adeziv Restorations
  • Implant Surgery with Guide

And I attended many more trainings. I am currently serving my patients at ID Clinic, where I am the founder equipped with the latest technology

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